Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Costume Critique 2, Vasiti Cava

 Name of the production and the costume designer.
Mirror, mirror is the name of the production.  It is the modern version of Snow white.  The costume designer is Eiko Ishioka.

 What costumes did you like best? What was done well? shape, color, texture etc.
I love all the costumes during the grand ball gown for Mirror mirror but the one that stand out the most is this red peacock dress for the witch.  The costume for the Evil Queen measures 5'8 to 6 in circumference, handmade from 25-35 yards of fabric with huge wire cages and corsets underneath.
The Queens costume have strong shoulders high necks and sliced layers of fabric around the neck to give the feeling of power, sharpness and danger.  This is why I feel was well done compared to the rest of the costume that were on display during the movie.  

Are they right for individual characters in personality, station in life, occupation?
The character of the Evil Queen costume was a good match.  Her costume had the characteristics of what her personality is like in the movie and especially the role of a Evil Queen.  As we all know that a Queen will always want power as part of her role, so in this movie the designer Eiko Ishika portrayed it on the costumer.  As audience it was comfortable to see that the Queen stood out in appearance and leadership.

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